Like many of you I have a problem. I HAVE TOO MANY COMIC BOOKS. They fill my boxes, they fill my shelves, some of them are even spilling onto the floor. I can't bring myself to throw them away, and I thing selling them is even more of a hassle than it is worth. (Not that anyone is buying comic books anymore.)
So I figured why not GIVE THEM AWAY. I've seen article where people have donated toys and books to HOSPITALS, WHY NOT COMIC BOOKS? I've looked that prospect up online, and it seems a lot of hospitals that officially accept comic books are quite a commute from my neighborhood, so I decided to reach out on my own and email some hospitals. And guess what someone answered. And they were more than happy to accept comic books for their children's ward/teen ward.
Admittedly there were a few books that were not child appropriate (sorry little Sally no Preacher for you) but most of them anyone can enjoy.
So do yourself a favor, get rid of the clutter, LOOK UP ONE OF YOUR LOCAL HOSPITALS and help the children there get through their stay with a SMILE.